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In day 8, we learned about the importance of belief and confidence.Today, we are going to cover a very important area, learning from your mistakes.If you are trying many things, some of them are going to go wrong.There is no way around it.If you not making mistakes, you not trying hard enough, not stretching yourself.Winston churchill use to say that men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.Oprah winfrey added to winston churchill by saying that:Are no failures, only lessons to be learned.Want to share one of my favorite personal and very real from my mistakes stories let me take you back to october, 1994.I was enjoying my work and feeling very civic minded, so i decided to run for city council in the town where i lived, hoboken, new jersey.I was young and energized.We had 40, 000 people living in my town, and we had what was called a bedroom community.Most of the people in the town worked during the day and came home at night to sleep.I loved technology and thought that i could use it to spread the word about my campaign using it.I didn have much of a budget at the time.I decided to use an automated phone messaging system.Many of you are probably familiar with this technology now, but it was relatively new 10 years ago.You recorded your message and the computer automatically called people on the phone and left messages for them on their answer machines.I spent countless hours writing and recording the perfect message.I spent even more hours getting everybody telephone number inputted into the computer and i was ready.Every single person in hoboken, nj was going to get a personalized phone call from david riklan, future city council member.Early one tuesday morning, i set up my computer to make the phone calls, and left for work.All day, i was excited about the impact that these calls were having on my campaign.Then, i came home that night and found out that came to visit that day.Apparently, the computer started to run slower and slower during the day.By the time i came home, i was leaving messages for people that were going slower and slower with each call.I turned off the computer and listened to my voice messages.I have never heard so many angry messages in my life.I learned a few new words that night with a blunder that might have possibility caused me the election.In case you are wondering, i didn get elected.My lesson was extremely clear, check and double check your technology.Technology can be your best friend, but don let it get the best of you.My challenge for everybody listening is to try to learn from their mistakes, and don forget that it also important to learn from other peoples mistakes.I have a few ideas for everybody listening to help you learn from your mistakes.The first step is to analyze what went wrong and think through what you can do the next time.Really it ralph lauren uomo manica lungo camicie think it through.What went wrong and what can you do next time?The second step is to develop or implement what we might call plan b.Very simply, plan b is an alternate plan to accomplish the same goal?It also a good idea to ralph lauren donna senza maniche polo have your plan b ready even before your failure or mistake.This way you can jump right into plan b without delay.Many of the other things you can do fit into what i describe as mental learning or re framing.When you have made a mistake, focus on what you have learned from the mistake and how this will make you better, stronger and faster the next time.When possible, try to maintain your sense of humor about the situation.Try not to take rejection personally.Frequently our idea, our product or our plan might fail.This does not mean we are failures.We just needed a different plan, a different road map.One common thing that people do when they make mistakes is beat themselves up about it.Try not to do this staying focused on your original goal.And, don forget the batman reference from the other week.Why do we fall?So we can learn to pick ourselves up.Thanks for watching, we talk again on day 10.We wholesale jordan shoes with much discount and best price of nike air jordan shoes and jordan tennis shoes at our jordan shoes website.Mistakes can truly be an opportunity to assess what we've done and to move in new and exciting directions.It really is amazing what a difference it can make in one's life to see mistakes as a positive thing rather than dwelling on them as failures of character or a reflection on who we are.Everyone makes mistakes and those who learn from them grow and become happier.Mistakes are a natural part of the journey and they teach us valuable lessons if we choose to listen.Take care, guy.

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